This Net-Net Might Turnaround: GigaMedia

GigaMedia Limited is a holding company with a portfolio of businesses providing online games and cloud computing services. The Company operates through two segments: Asian online game and service, and cloud service business. The Company has online game operations in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau and a cloud computing software and services business based in… Continue reading This Net-Net Might Turnaround: GigaMedia

Be Aware of Net-Nets with Controlling Owners and Directors – Case Study: Argo Group Ltd

When you buy net-net stock you expect to get margin of safety (because of cheap purchase price) and you hope to get potential catalyst. The biggest risk to lose margin of safety is to invest in companies that constantly lose money and destroy shareholder value. If company’s net current asset value is rapidly eroding, it… Continue reading Be Aware of Net-Nets with Controlling Owners and Directors – Case Study: Argo Group Ltd